Wildfire Magazine

See For Yourself

Take us for a test drive. Here is a full issue from our digital archives:

Wildfire is a magazine specifically designed with you, the young breast cancer survivor and thriver, in mind. Our contributors are all diagnosed under the age of 50 — a growing population decades younger than the average person to experience breast cancer — with few age-appropriate resources available.

Our belief is that reading the stories of others diagnosed young provides a much-needed community and support network. We go further than that, though, and help you learn to tell your own story to the survivors coming up behind you. This has the dramatic effect of turning a traumatic cancer experience into an empowering one!

Each issue of Wildfire contains written and visual work from younger survivors just like you from all over the world, including all stages of diagnosis from DCIS/Stage 0 to metastatic breast cancer/Stage IV. Each issue of the magazine is on a theme related to survivorship, which we define as every day (every minute) you face following diagnosis.

What People Are Saying


“I read Young & Stage IV cover to cover. After a month of pink ribbons that did not feel like me, I truly heard my voice in Wildfire.”

— Susan Berdine, diagnosed with MBC

“More than a breath of fresh air, this magazine is a lightening bolt! I’m in awe of the honesty, insight, knowledge, creativity, and beauty of this publication!”

— Emilienne Rebel, diagnosed at 31

“I look forward to each issue. You have created something truly amazing.”

— Kim Santoianni, diagnosed at 34